Metal Gear Solid 5 How to Play as Custom Character UPDATED

Metal Gear Solid 5 How to Play as Custom Character

Much has been written about the juvenile pattern of Quiet, the improbably naked sidekick in the Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain. Only, for all the justifiable anger about her character, well-nigh goose egg has been written near the cloak-and-dagger new female protagonist in Metal Gear.

I'grand calling her FemSnake.

FemSnake is awesome. She's on the title screen. Soldiers stop dead in their tracks and sharply salute her. "Thanks for saving those kids, Boss," they say.

Revolver Ocelot speaks to her in reverent tones, reporting on mission outcomes. When she interrogates a prisoner, she demands "Out with it!" and my heart skips a beat out.

femsnake 1

FemSnake stands in ironic contrast to Quiet. FemSnake wears full military armor, form-fitting, but tough and realistic. Everything about her demands to be treated like a professional and not a sexual practice object. Accompanying her is a sexist railroad train wreck of a blueprint, a woman designed to be ogled while never speaking a word. Tranquility is a capable soldier who looks similar annihilation simply.

Some people will tell me FemSnake is not actually Snake, and it's truthful. She's a prisoner you rescue on a mission, but you do get to play almost every mission as her. She can exist your protagonist, and is included in many of the cutscenes. She runs Mother Base. She commands the game'southward soldiers. She is fully voiced, and her acting is even more than menacing than Kiefer Sutherland'southward. This is my title screen, featuring my game'due south hero:

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I'll tell you how to unlock her. But commencement, let's back upwardly. Let's look at some of the design decisions in Metallic Gear Solid Five that are meant to make most gamers experience like they're Serpent — including gamers that are not white.

A silent protagonist

I was confused when David Hayter tweeted that he wouldn't be returning as Serpent. As a hardcore fan of the serial, I couldn't imagine long codec monologues with anyone but Hayter. At present that I'm 30 hours in, this design decision makes total sense.

Wanting to capture a wider audience, Metallic Gear has gone the Portal route with Snake — our now nigh-silent protagonist. The story happens around him, with imaginative characters like Ocelot, Master Miller and Skull Face providing much of the personality and vocalisation acting. Serpent watches everything unfold around him.

femsnake 2

Goodbye, long discussions about nuclear disarmament. Hello, adrenaline-filled setpieces and systems that hint towards for-pay DLC. Just like the Assassinator's Creed, Far Cry and Telephone call of Duty franchises, Metal Gear is going for a more mainstream entreatment. For that to happen, the angst-ridden, talkative version of Snake had to go.

In fact, Snake himself barely even matters in this version of Metal Gear. That'south why the game teases you with irresolute Snake'due south character'south race and face in the opening, a feature that delighted my Asian husband. As the online component comes side by side month, players volition stand for themselves as their custom avatar. The technical term for this in gamedev parlance is "thespian agency," giving yous command over your game world.

FemSnake is a pattern compromise to allow female players to play as a adult female. And make no mistake, including her was a feature that took quite a bit of development resources from the Metal Gear team. They had to alter the game'south armor implementation to work with her unlike body proportions. They had to bring in a vocalism actress. They had to code scenes so Sutherland's line reads would announced as captions and not voiceover in many scenes. What they did to make this happen across so much content was neither quick nor like shooting fish in a barrel. Someone cared about this feature.

How to brand this happen

How practise you unlock FemSnake? Go to Prisoner Extraction 02 in Side Ops, which seems to always spawn the otherwise extremely rare woman prisoners. This unlocked my FemSnake, who was assigned the random codename "Obsidian Mole."

So, when choosing a mission, go to Grapheme and you'll exist able to play the rest of the game as her. Her gainsay stats rising as y'all play, primarily affecting your health pool — but any other differences between Snake and FemSnake were not perceptible to me.

After yous've selected your new graphic symbol, you'll meet them in everything but fully-voiced cutscenes for the remainder of the game, including the title screen. This play tricks can as well be used with any rescued prisoner you'd like to stand for yous instead of Ophidian, including those of different races.

This is a dainty pace forward

Metal Gear fans are used to duality in how the series treats women. I was astonished by the excellent portayal of Meryl Silverburgh when Metal Gear Solid came out in 1998. Yous felt her emotions, you understood her as a person and cared most her. And then, you burst in on her in the bath, creepily staring at her butt and watching her change from her uniform.

That'south how I feel playing this latest Metallic Gear. I'k both elated and troubled. In researching this piece, I saw hundreds of articles critiquing Quiet's design. But I didn't run across a unmarried article praising Konami for including an inclusive design compromise that boosts my own enjoyment of the game. Y'all tin play through almost the entirety of the game equally a woman hero! Or a person of color! This is great news, and needs to be celebrated.

So, to all the team and Kojima Productions, I want to say thank you for this inclusive game design. FemSnake is a huge step forrard for the series. None of the core Metal Gear console games have had a female protagonist, and fifty-fifty Metallic Gear Online omitted women.

We can't only critique the steps backwards, we demand to notice the steps forward. FemSnake salutes yous.

Metal Gear Solid 5: Gamescom 2015 trailer


Metal Gear Solid 5 How to Play as Custom Character UPDATED

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